Sweep kick
Sweep kick

sweep kick

Bravo fights Fox back after Fox makes the tag a bit awkward here. Bottom rope assisted Complete Shot from Bravo gets a two on Fox. Asai moonsault by Metalik takes out Dean on the outside. Enziguiri to Dean and a running back elbow in the corner. Tag to Fox and he clears the ring with clotheslines. Metalik is put on the top turnbuckle now and Metalik fights Bravo off and comes down with a sunset flip powerbomb. Snap suplex by Bravo and Fox breaks up the pin.

sweep kick

Soccer kick, senton, elbow combination offense here by Dean and Bravo. Ten punches in the corner and a flapjack by The Infantry. Bravo gets the tag and drops Metalik on the top turnbuckle with snake eyes as Bravo hits a running neckbreaker. Running back elbow by Fox and a tilt a whirl. Walking spinning cross body off the middle rope gets two. Thrust kick to the stomach and a slingblade bulldog by Metalik. Deadlift superplex by Cage from the outside in will finish this one. Sidewalk slam by Kaun across the top turnbuckle and a senton by Toa on the apron. Griffey gets crushed between Toa and Kaun as Singh gets put on the top rope. Griffey tagged in now attacks Toa, but Toa tosses him back to his corner. Powerslam by Cage to Draper and a German suplex. Forearm by Shazza but she walks into a high kick and that’ll do it. Shazza kicks the kneecap and drags Yamashita to the apron before delivering some hard kicks to the chest. Running soccer kick to the chest and Yamashita gets another two count. Boot by Yamashita and a BEAUTIFUL Disaster Kick for a long two. Shazza with a mean streak here, stomping on a downed Yamashita. Trade wrist locks to start as Shazza connects with a bulldog for two. Nese and Daivari were formidable opponents here but the right guys won, heading into the big ladder match tomorrow.

sweep kick

Innovative offense, they connect with the crowd, and they’ve gotten even better since their time in Progress. Double lariat to Nese and the Fidget Spinner finishes this one! Sterling then gets drilled for good measure. Davis and Fletcher grab Daivari and Nese and have a meeting of the minds halfway around the right.

sweep kick

Dental Plan to Nese! Assisted cutter by Aussie Open. 450 by Nese! One, two, no! Superkick by Fletcher catches a charging Nese. Fletcher gets set up on the top rope as Nese throws him into a Daivari cutter. Fidget Spinner attempt by Aussie Open but Mark Sterling distracts from the apron, allowing Nese to dump Davis. Dental Plan attempt but Daivari makes the save. Throat thrust by Nese but Davis catches him with a pop-up powerslam for two. Double clothesline to both Nese and Daivari, and now Nese is in the corner with the two-for-one chop and clothesline. Davis clears the house with clotheslines and chops. Fletcher up on over a charging Nese to tag Davis. Running back elbow by Nese as the ring is now cut in half and Fletcher is in trouble. Assisted European uppercut to Nese as Sterling grabs Davis ankle, allowing Daivari to post Fletcher. Back elbow, soccer kick, and senton combo by Aussie Open. Nese dropkicks the knee of Davis, however, but still gets flattened with a shoulder block. Fletcher tags Davis, who doesn’t budge after Nese attempts a few shoulder tackles. Mat return by Fletcher, as Nese tags in and… flexes. Aussie Openįletcher and Daivari trade head locks to start. Louis, Missouri with Ian Riccaboni & Caprice Coleman on the call! Match #1.

#Sweep kick tv

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below! Ring of Honor TV 3/29/23įrom the Chaifetz Arena in St.

Sweep kick